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Directory Listings - Page 4: Results 61-80 out of 4,209
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The AKC Parent Club representing the Borzoi (or Russian Wolfhound) in the United States. BCOA is the guardian of the AKC Borzoi breed standard. The BCOA hosts an annual National Specialty Show and serves the American Borzoi fanciers.
United StatesCategory:
Borzoi Organizationswww.borzoiclubofamerica.org/
bowsbygermaine@wowway.comProfessionally made dog hair bows personally hand sewn from premium material. These top quality accessories are crafted with loving care and durability for continued satisfaction. Every bow includes a 30mm French barrette.
United StatesCategory:
Dog Clotheswww.bowsbygermaine.com/

We have been showing and breeding champion Boston Terriers since 1973. We have puppies and adult dogs occasionally to qualified homes. We are not a kennel, but have a loving home environment for our dogs. We are a resource for Boston Terrier breeders and owners with hundreds of photos of champion Bostons and their pedigrees along with information on the breed. We're also home of the popular showbostons mailing list on yahoogroups. Come visit us!
United StatesCategory:
Boston Terrier Breederswww.boston-terriers.com/

The official home page of the Cairn Terrier Club of America. Here you will find information about the breed, about the club, and about affiliated clubs. Search for breeders, find rescue contacts, enjoy a photo gallery, join a discussion forum, or view a calendar of events.
United StatesCategory:
Cairn Terrier Organizationswww.cairnterrier.org/

AKC parent breed club for the Cane Corso. The CCAA is dedicated to preserving the working ability, soundness, and intelligence of the Cane Corso in its purest form. Breed standard, information, photos, events, shows, forum, store & more online.
United StatesCategory:
Cane Corso Organizationswww.canecorso.org/

PO Box 446
Santa Rosa, CA 95402
(800) 572-BARK (2275)
Canine Companions for Independence is a non-profit organization that enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly trained assistance dogs and ongoing support to ensure quality partnerships.
They have centers all over the country.
United StatesCategories:
Dog Training,
Dog Giftswww.caninecompanions.org/
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