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(909) 305-0552
info@ahrsc.orgA non-profit organization whose purpose is to rescue stray, abandoned, relinquished, and/or impounded Afghan Hounds. Veterinary care is provided prior to adoption according to the dog's needs, always including spaying or neutering.
Afghan Hound Rescue Organizationswww.ahrsc.org/

San Francisco, CA
(415) 297-6988
Teacup Imperial Shih Tzu puppies for sale in SF, California. Our Shih Tzu mamas are tiny / mini size, multiple Champion sired, and show quality. Imported from Asia.
Registry: AKC - American Kennel Club
Shih Tzu Breederswww.shihtzuonly.com/

A private collie breeding & showing kennel in northern California.
Collie Breederswww.burlywood.com/
(209) 712-5452
avalonaire@aol.comThe CATC serves the Bay Area and its environs and has a membership of nearly 100 Airedale lovers. Members receive a bi-monthly newsletter containing show reports, breeding data, articles of interest, and updates on club activities. The CATC Rescue and Referral Committee helps to place older dogs as well as puppies, and keeps updated lists of puppies from reputable breeders and rescue situations.
Airedale Terrier Organizationswww.calairedale.org/
rdraper@kingpenkennels.comWe are a fun-loving group of all ages and all interests who have joined together to enjoy owning a very special breed of dog known as the Rat Terrier. We are always looking to meet new people and new Rat Terriers.
Rat Terrier Organizationswww.centralvalleyratterrierclub.net/

The Chekia Canine Family and Avondell Feline Family web site contains photos, poems, articles, stories, and a plethora of information on dogs and cats, and particularly on Collies, American Eskimo Dogs, Bengal and Cashmere Cats. Visit our many breed gift shops for rescue!
American Eskimo Breeders,
Collie Breeders,
Shetland Sheepdog Breederswww.chekia.com/

Labrador breeder/exhibitor in California. Site includes beautiful photos, pedigrees, and information on Chocolate Labradors.
Labrador Retriever Breederswww.choclabs.com/

(209) 742-7494
(209) 628-8074
fullerboerboels@sti.netRaising and breeding the South African Boerboel. The BB is protective without being aggessive; they make great family dogs, as they are wonderful with all age groups. This mastiff does not drool as much as other mastiff breeds, making it a great indoor or outdoor dog. Our dogs live with us in the home and we will only breed those with sound health and excellent temperments. Member of the South African Boerboel Breeders Association.
Boerboel Breederswww.fullerboerboels.com/
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